Sat 01 Nov 2008
Continuing our stay with Deb and Clancy... we headed into Norwich for shopping at the markets. On the way to Norwich Cathedral is the Ethelbert Gateway (below).

Above: The cathedral and labrynth from the courtyard.
Below: Deb took this shot of Jen entering the courtyard.

Enjoyed dinner with Deb and Clancy and stayed overnight again.
Lots of chats, drinks, and general hanging out.
Sun 02 Nov 2008
Jen this morning cut out and made some black velveteen backing for the Viceroy and Vicereine chains of maintenance. Feeling crafty, once getting home Jen also cut out the fabric for Steve's new aketon.

Unfortunately for Jen, the flu she'd been suffering since Thursday took hold. A relaxing weekend at home would have been a more sensible idea, but so much less fun.
Mon 03 Nov 2008
Jen stays home for the next three days. Sniffle, hack cough wheeze.
Saw the doctor this afternoon and the good news is it's not a chest infection, 'just' a really nasty Flu. Steve also stayed home today, but due to gastro problems. What a totally miserable pair we were today! Steve was also pretty tired and unwell for the next few days but went to work anyway due to short-staffing.
Wed 05 Nov 2008
Jen's really bored now, of runny nose, achy joints, and interrupted sleep from couching fits.
So, a spot of amateur bookbinding isn't too taxing on the brain or body right?

Thu 06 Nov 2008
Jen's back at work - hurrah for an end to boredom!
Fri 07 Nov 2008
This evening Steve drove Jen and Edith to the New Forest for Kingdom University. William didn't come along due to tiredness of having started a new job this week.
Sat 08 Nov 2008
Steve and Edith spent the vast majority of the day in kitchens helping to prepare food for the evening's feast.

In the afternoon we were both called into court to receive the Order of Merit for being inspiring / good examples. It is very nice to be appreciated :-)
Sun 09 Nov 2008
We headed home, bringing Dan and Elizabeth back to London also.
Mon 10 Nov 2008
This evening Etienne and Sigmundr visited for dinner and some indoor fighter coaching (as the weather outside was absolutely miserable). After a very pleasant evening of drinking they stayed overnight.
Tue 11 Nov 2008
Steve has started playing "Middle Earth" online and loving it. Yes he's turned to the dark side. Steve also finally got his new helm this afternoon, and it even fits!!!

Wed 12 Nov 2008
Elffin stayed over tonight, to take a look at the loft and see what he might do to help us, since he's an experienced electrician and all.
Fri 14 Nov 2008
Today Soph was a real hero and stayed home so our new washer-dryer could be delivered. It's got twice the capacity as our old one, and of course it actually dries clothes too. Thanx Soph!

Steve spent lots of time and effort taking out the old machine and installing this new one. Jen was surprised but really pleased to see it in, when she got home. Unfortunately we now need to get the plumbers in to reattach the outlet pipe to the wall. Darn it.
Steve and Jen head over to Edith and William's place and stay overnight to get a head start to TORM.
Sat 15 Nov 2008
We headed off to TORM - The Original Reenactor's Market, near Coventry. On the way we stopped and dropped off our old washing machine to Nicky. She was the first to put her hand up and say she wanted it. We were very lucky when, turning off the highway a little hard, the washing machine had tipped a bit and chipped the rear side window. We had feared much worse damage.
Our shopping trip at TORM resulted in these items:

Steve's gift to Jen - a very nice Rose and S chain of maintenance.
A cookbook, 16th century style french playing cards, leather straps, and an arming cap for Steve.
There was much more there to tempt us, but we somehow managed to restrain ourselves. :-)