Steve n Jen's UK adventures

UK and European adventures. Read on my pretties, and discover what two stray Aussies can get up to on their travels.......

30 November 2008

Nov 2008 b

17-21 Nov 2008
With various coughs colds and flu floating about, apart from going to work, this week we also focused on taking it easy so as to recover faster.

Sat 22 Nov 2008
Just a light dusting, but really pretty, and we had some big fat snowflakes floating down too! Amazingly the roses are still blooming at this late stage of the year.

This afternoon we hopped in the car, picked up Genevieve on the way, and arrived at Hargrave Hall for the local Revel. When we arrived there were half a dozen fencers upstairs practising their sport, and after awhile the working bee was setup downstairs, to make tabards as guided by Vitus' vision.
Later in the evening we all got changed, and we were happy to see Jenni in her first outfit, made by Edith. Pictured here with Soph:
Revel photos by Nick:

Tue 25 Nov 2008
Steve was clever enough to borrow some click-together professional scaffolding from his work, which was very safe/secure, and meant that tonight our stairwell light could be moved to a more convenient location. The light was moved so the loft access hole can be enlarged at a later date. We'd already decided on a new pendant light to replace the old one. Below: The before and after shot.

Soph made a lovely dinner, and we were glad to have Elffin visit us - thanks mate!

Sat 29 Nov 2008
After a leisurely start to the day we three made our way to Deb and Clancy's place for their Thanksgiving party. They seated and fed 22 guests if not more, and the food just kept on coming! Turkey really is a large bird!

After we'd all eaten very well indeed, then there was dessert too! Soph was a trooper for doing loads of dishes. Eventually the eveining dwindled down to just Steve, Jen and Clancy chatting by the fire well into the night.

Sun 30 Nov 2008
Another slow start to the day, and after a late breakfast (and some plant foraging by Jen) we made our way back toward London. We'd intended to stop through Peregrine + Emayne's house-warming but after accident warning signs for that future stretch of the highway we just headed home instead. Sorry we didn't make it guys.
This evening Jen was ably assisted by Soph in putting up and decorating the Christmas Tree, with Steve given the honour of finishing it all off with the angel on top.

Above: the annual Schwarovski Crystal stars are very beautiful when lit by the tree lights.

16 November 2008

Nov 2008 a

Sat 01 Nov 2008
Continuing our stay with Deb and Clancy... we headed into Norwich for shopping at the markets. On the way to Norwich Cathedral is the Ethelbert Gateway (below).

Above: The cathedral and labrynth from the courtyard.
Below: Deb took this shot of Jen entering the courtyard.

Enjoyed dinner with Deb and Clancy and stayed overnight again.
Lots of chats, drinks, and general hanging out.

Sun 02 Nov 2008
Jen this morning cut out and made some black velveteen backing for the Viceroy and Vicereine chains of maintenance. Feeling crafty, once getting home Jen also cut out the fabric for Steve's new aketon.

Unfortunately for Jen, the flu she'd been suffering since Thursday took hold. A relaxing weekend at home would have been a more sensible idea, but so much less fun.

Mon 03 Nov 2008
Jen stays home for the next three days. Sniffle, hack cough wheeze.
Saw the doctor this afternoon and the good news is it's not a chest infection, 'just' a really nasty Flu. Steve also stayed home today, but due to gastro problems. What a totally miserable pair we were today! Steve was also pretty tired and unwell for the next few days but went to work anyway due to short-staffing.

Wed 05 Nov 2008
Jen's really bored now, of runny nose, achy joints, and interrupted sleep from couching fits.
So, a spot of amateur bookbinding isn't too taxing on the brain or body right?

Thu 06 Nov 2008
Jen's back at work - hurrah for an end to boredom!

Fri 07 Nov 2008
This evening Steve drove Jen and Edith to the New Forest for Kingdom University. William didn't come along due to tiredness of having started a new job this week.

Sat 08 Nov 2008
Steve and Edith spent the vast majority of the day in kitchens helping to prepare food for the evening's feast.

In the afternoon we were both called into court to receive the Order of Merit for being inspiring / good examples. It is very nice to be appreciated :-)

Sun 09 Nov 2008
We headed home, bringing Dan and Elizabeth back to London also.

Mon 10 Nov 2008
This evening Etienne and Sigmundr visited for dinner and some indoor fighter coaching (as the weather outside was absolutely miserable). After a very pleasant evening of drinking they stayed overnight.

Tue 11 Nov 2008
Steve has started playing "Middle Earth" online and loving it. Yes he's turned to the dark side. Steve also finally got his new helm this afternoon, and it even fits!!!

Wed 12 Nov 2008
Elffin stayed over tonight, to take a look at the loft and see what he might do to help us, since he's an experienced electrician and all.

Fri 14 Nov 2008
Today Soph was a real hero and stayed home so our new washer-dryer could be delivered. It's got twice the capacity as our old one, and of course it actually dries clothes too. Thanx Soph!

Steve spent lots of time and effort taking out the old machine and installing this new one. Jen was surprised but really pleased to see it in, when she got home. Unfortunately we now need to get the plumbers in to reattach the outlet pipe to the wall. Darn it.
Steve and Jen head over to Edith and William's place and stay overnight to get a head start to TORM.

Sat 15 Nov 2008
We headed off to TORM - The Original Reenactor's Market, near Coventry. On the way we stopped and dropped off our old washing machine to Nicky. She was the first to put her hand up and say she wanted it. We were very lucky when, turning off the highway a little hard, the washing machine had tipped a bit and chipped the rear side window. We had feared much worse damage.
Our shopping trip at TORM resulted in these items:

Steve's gift to Jen - a very nice Rose and S chain of maintenance.
A cookbook, 16th century style french playing cards, leather straps, and an arming cap for Steve.
There was much more there to tempt us, but we somehow managed to restrain ourselves. :-)

06 November 2008

Oct 2008 b

At long last Jen can reveal the detail of her latest 'illuminated miniature' as the recipient now has it in her hot little hands.

For those of you not familiar with this award......
The Order of Albion is given for "untiring service, courtesy and devotion to the needs of others".
It's given by the (Drachenwald) King usually once per reign, but its not awarded every reign. It's a big deal.
To read the story (best read out aloud by a herald for full effect) visit here: Once you've read the story you'll understand what the miniature is all about.

Sun 19 Oct 2008
Mathilde continued her conference attendance today. In the morning Steve, Stephen (our house guest) and Jen went window shopping along Green street, partly as Stephen wanted a feel for what east London's like. Stephen left for Australia in the evening, leaving Mathilde to enjoy the rest of her week stay.

Mon 20 Oct 2008
Local Shire meeting in the heart of old London town, with both Mathilde and Pip there too.

Tue 21 Oct 2008
Dinner in a nice Covent Garden restaurant for Pip, Mathilde, Soph and the two of us.

Thu 23 Oct 2008
Soph and Mathilde spent these next two days running about London playing up as happy tourists!

Above from left: Steve, Soph and Mathilde about to dig into a fab home-cooked meal. Thanks Mathilde!

Fri 24 Oct 2008
Steve did loads of cooking and clean up at his after-work Halloween party tonight. He came home very merry indeed!

Sat 25 Oct 2008
We decided to have a leisurely weekend. Jen went shopping for a new doona/duvet set, before heading home and joining Steve and Mathilde in chatting away a few hours before dropping Mathilde off to the station for her long haul flight back to Australia.

Above: Here's Steve modelling the new duvet cover set.

Sun 26 Oct 2008
Today the clocks went back an hour. Hooray for sleeping in an extra hour. Boo hiss for the sun going down so early in the evening. Now starts the long winter of travelling home from work in the freezing cold and dark.

Wed 29 Oct 2008
Jen did boxercise, and is blaming getting hot and then cold while travelling home, for the next week worth of miserable flu, and using this as an excuse not to do exercise in winter. Exercise at home anyone?

Thu 30 Oct 2008
Jen attends her first ever work retirement party.
Well done Ian, have a great retirement mate!

Fri 31 Oct 2008
After work the two of us went to Deb and Clancy's Halloween party, and stayed for the weekend.

Above: Alison goes all out in this fancy frock. Yes that is a "thing" hand on the table. Spooky, hey?
Unbeknownst to Steve, Jen followed Clancy's instructions and snuck in some of Steve's garb. Below: Here's Clancy dressed as the scariest thing he could thing of - Alaric.

Above: a taste of Halloween, American style. Yes that's temporary wallpaper, and skull-themed mugs. Everything seemed battery powered and motion-sensing.
Below: Deb's outfit was the scariest, if you believe all those horror movies!