Steve n Jen's UK adventures

UK and European adventures. Read on my pretties, and discover what two stray Aussies can get up to on their travels.......

13 February 2012

Feb 2012b

Sun 05 Feb 2012
Steve worked, and getting tired of long days and short weekends. Hopefully this will be the last of it for awhile.
Last night it snowed, leaving a pretty fluffy blanket over everything, making London seems very quiet and pretty for a change. Pictured at right: our back yard.

Tue 07 Feb 2012
Steve got the car MOT'ed, (tested for road-worthiness) and it passed without a problem - hurrah!

Wed 08 Feb 2012
Tonight Lena stayed overnight, having viewed the illuminated manuscript exhibition that's on at the British Library at the moment.

Sat 11 Feb 2012
Jen had a surprise lined up for Steve - an early Valentine's retreat! Off to stay at the hotel-castle where the Rocky Horror film was shot all those years ago. The castle itself only has about 10 bedrooms for hire, the downstairs area being where the restaurant, billiard, library and breakfast areas are. The main accomm is in 1970's built 'wings' off the ends of the castle.

Looking straight out our room we had a view of the Thames, as well as watching a bridal party excitedly flapping about, getting photos taken in the snow. 

Picture perfect: Bride, swans, Thames.

In the late afternoon we decided to drop in and hang out with Elffin for dinner, and also enjoyed a nice cuppa together with Lucretzia/Tina who lives downstairs from him.

Sun 12 Feb 2012
This morning's view from the breakfast tables inside the Oakley Court Hotel:

More photos of these lovely downstairs rooms inside the castle part of the Hotel:

After a very hearty breakfast we showered and packed, and made our way home through London - at one point stopped in traffic, admiring our pretty little car. 

And so for Sunday afternoon we were home again, relaxing out the rest of the weekend.

02 February 2012

Jan 2012 b

Thu 19 Jan 2012
Sometimes graphic designers get to do something pretty cool. The banners Jen designed for pre-sales of the Athlete's Village (East Village) in east London, had arrived in the office and she was keen to check 'em out.

Sat 21 Jan 2012
Steve had to go to work today, sigh.
Jen spend a good 4 hours at the V&A museum and still didn't see everything. Sore feet drove her home.
Here are a few things she took photos of....

Above: entrance to the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A)

Above: pre-1600 instrument (spinet?) with exquisite inlaid detail

Miniature carving in the wire area of the above keyboarded instrument

Detail of the key-ends' - carved and painted red and blue
with black outlines. Possibly lacquered?

A fine parade shield with raised and carved details

After a nice dinner out we watched 'Underworld Awakening' at the cinema

Sun 22 Jan 2012
This evening Steve cooked the first of two dinners following recipes from an unpublished cookbook Jen's designing at work. These two recipes were the only one's missing any kind of photo, and thanks to Steve this is now no longer a problem. 
Dinner was a Jamaican dish - Mackeral, Spinach and Whole Wheat Pasta Salad.
The following night was Nigerian Dish - Jollof rice with Chicken Stew (not pictured sorry). 

Sat 28 Jan 2012
Steve was a legend in the backyard, cooking up a storm! Today we entertained about a dozen guests in our tiny through-lounge, and together we belatedly celebrated Australia Day. Ozzzieeeee Oi Oi Oi!

Sun 29 Jan 2012
Steve did some manly sawing of plywood panels in preparation for a spot of portrait painting that Jen wants to have a go at. Base coats subsequently applied; now it's time for Jen to draw in a 'sitter' or two.

We've found that our calendar is filling up FAST... 
This month Jen will treat Steve to a secret destination for pre-Valentine fun; Steve will train up to Edinburgh for a weekend, and we'll have friends stay for a week; and Jen will flit into Brussells briefly to check out an extant portative organ or few (research for making one).   There will also be trips to Belfast and Lancaster in March.
Exciting times indeed!