Oct 2008 b
At long last Jen can reveal the detail of her latest 'illuminated miniature' as the recipient now has it in her hot little hands.
For those of you not familiar with this award......
The Order of Albion is given for "untiring service, courtesy and devotion to the needs of others".
It's given by the (Drachenwald) King usually once per reign, but its not awarded every reign. It's a big deal.
To read the story (best read out aloud by a herald for full effect) visit here: www.drachenwald.sca.org/Herald/albion.html Once you've read the story you'll understand what the miniature is all about.
Sun 19 Oct 2008
Mathilde continued her conference attendance today. In the morning Steve, Stephen (our house guest) and Jen went window shopping along Green street, partly as Stephen wanted a feel for what east London's like. Stephen left for Australia in the evening, leaving Mathilde to enjoy the rest of her week stay.
Mon 20 Oct 2008
Local Shire meeting in the heart of old London town, with both Mathilde and Pip there too.
Tue 21 Oct 2008
Dinner in a nice Covent Garden restaurant for Pip, Mathilde, Soph and the two of us.
Thu 23 Oct 2008
Soph and Mathilde spent these next two days running about London playing up as happy tourists!
Above from left: Steve, Soph and Mathilde about to dig into a fab home-cooked meal. Thanks Mathilde!
Fri 24 Oct 2008
Steve did loads of cooking and clean up at his after-work Halloween party tonight. He came home very merry indeed!
Sat 25 Oct 2008
We decided to have a leisurely weekend. Jen went shopping for a new doona/duvet set, before heading home and joining Steve and Mathilde in chatting away a few hours before dropping Mathilde off to the station for her long haul flight back to Australia.
Above: Here's Steve modelling the new duvet cover set.
Sun 26 Oct 2008
Today the clocks went back an hour. Hooray for sleeping in an extra hour. Boo hiss for the sun going down so early in the evening. Now starts the long winter of travelling home from work in the freezing cold and dark.
Wed 29 Oct 2008
Jen did boxercise, and is blaming getting hot and then cold while travelling home, for the next week worth of miserable flu, and using this as an excuse not to do exercise in winter. Exercise at home anyone?
Thu 30 Oct 2008
Jen attends her first ever work retirement party.
Well done Ian, have a great retirement mate!
Fri 31 Oct 2008
After work the two of us went to Deb and Clancy's Halloween party, and stayed for the weekend.
Above: Alison goes all out in this fancy frock. Yes that is a "thing" hand on the table. Spooky, hey?
Unbeknownst to Steve, Jen followed Clancy's instructions and snuck in some of Steve's garb. Below: Here's Clancy dressed as the scariest thing he could thing of - Alaric.
Above: a taste of Halloween, American style. Yes that's temporary wallpaper, and skull-themed mugs. Everything seemed battery powered and motion-sensing.
Below: Deb's outfit was the scariest, if you believe all those horror movies!
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