Mar 2010 a
Absolutely not much happening this fortnight unfortunately.
We've got our stuff (paperwork etc) mostly sorted in preparation for our upcoming UK Border Agency appointment to extend our Visa stay in the UK.
We've both been snotted up with headcolds, so have avoided going outside where its still cold.
Mon 8 Mar 2010: Jen did oil painting. Here's where she's up to with this portrait (right), which is a Manet painting foreground and a Klimt painting background. Its needing more work on the face though...
Sat 16 Mar 2010: Last night we drove up to stay for a couple of days with Deb n Clancy. During today we took a three hour drive (an hour longer than normal due to traffic jams) to a medieval Demo in Coventry. It didn't all go as well as the organiser had hoped. He'd had 400 positive RSVPs via Facebook but only a handful of people showed up. The Demo was held in the beer garden on the Rising Sun pub, on medieval Spon Street. This street had many tudor buildings along it, some of which were relocated here for their preservation / the beautifying of this handsome street.