Steve n Jen's UK adventures

UK and European adventures. Read on my pretties, and discover what two stray Aussies can get up to on their travels.......

14 April 2008

Apr 2008 a

Sat 05 Apr 2008
We went shopping for fabric. We now have a lovely mid to dark green damask for Steve's new padded fighting jacket. Jen's already made the pattern and cut the lining for it. We also scored 8m of dark red cotton jacquard for a houppelande (15th century dress) for Deb.

Sun 06 Apr 2008
Snow!!!! There was even enough for a proper snow fight!
Below: You wouldn't know it was spring, looking out our bedroom window today.

Above: snow in the backyard on our newly planted garden (because its spring isn't it?)
Below: Jen in the local park. Plenty of kids were about, playing in the snow.

Mon 07 Apr 2008
We both have the day off work. Hurrah!

Tue 08 Apr 2008
Steve has a relaxing day off work, so Jen pouts at him and heads off to work.

Wed 09 Apr 2008
Tonight we drove up to Deb and Clancy's and stayed overnight. We both have taken tomorrow off work for.....

Thu 10 Apr 2008
Clancy's retirement ceremony. He's retiring from the US Airforce after 21.5 years' service.
The ceremony was kicked off with "God save the Queen" and then "the Star Spangled Banner".

Below: Clancy receives many medally things (yes we're civilians)

Above: the formal flag folding ceremony.
Below: flowers for Deb for her support to Clancy

Above: ... and there was cake
Below: finished off with games of pool and darts in the bar downstairs.

After all of this Steve was the designated driver and our party of 7 left the military Base and dropped the party off to their respective homes. We finished the day off with a lovely dinner at the local pub. We drove back to London since we both had to work Friday (tomorrow).

Sat 12 Apr 2008
Visited the future Coronation site, which Steve will be head chef for, last weekend of June.

Above: the field
Below: the main hall

After which we had lunch at a gorgeous pub down the road called "the Cock Inn", finished with a walk on the beach, since we were in South-End-on-Sea anyway.

Above: Steve curls his whiskers as Kiriel hands him another rock to "skip" into the waves.
Below: Terry supplied us with fairy floss, traditional beach fare!

After we got home (1 hour drive) we discovered that Drachenwald has new "heirs" to the throne - Thorvaldr and Fiona Wiggins. Fiona's the lady Jen visited some months ago, with the full on cow-themed kitchen. She also happens to be a perfect hostess. We'll be staying with her late in May, during our driving holiday through France and Germany.

Sun 13 Apr 2008
We had planned to go to Basingstoke fighter practice but decided against due to poor weather and feeling a bit under the weather. Jen cut out Deb's red fabric and sewed together the dagged sleeves.

We decided it was finally time to order Steve's new SCA helmet! It will again be stainless steel, but will be a 14th century Bascinet with etched brass trimming and stainless aventail (chain about the shoulders). Very nice! Should arrive about mid August - fingers crossed.

Mon 14 Apr 2008
First day at Jen's new office (same company). Beautiful brand new purpose-built office. Very sleek and stylish, with fab views! Started the day with unpacking crates and filling up cupboards and cabinets.