Mar 2008 b
Mon 17 Mar 2008
We met up at Ye Olde Watling pub in the city, for the local Shire meeting. There were the occasional stray people about wearing green and oversized "irish" hats for St Patrick's Day, but it was more low-key than we expected.
Wed 19 Mar 2008
Jen starts her Easter break early.
Goes into town and buys 7 square feet of goat "vellum".
Thu 20 Mar 2008
Jen spends the morning cutting up the vellum.
Here's a close up of the cut pieces, trying to get the most out of the odd shape.
More about the cost, where it was bought, and the cutting up of it here:
Fri 21 Mar 2008
Steve is now on Easter break too. Hurrah!
Jen gets stuck into making Bridget's Albion "scroll" and here's the practice. Yes the body of the calligraphy is 2mm tall and Alaric does a great job of fitting his signature on the scroll. Here we are scribing away!
Sat 22 Mar 2008
Steve decides its definitely time to get a haircut to looks more respectable for work.
Just as he arrived back home, we were excited by this strange white stuff falling from the sky. Was it hail? Yes, and also snow!
The first snow of the year - at the beginning of Spring, of all things.
Jen continues with the scroll work.
Having completed the callig she's on to the gilding.
On the right edge its done and on the left the excess gold is yet to be brushed away and collected.
Sun 23 Mar 2008
Easter Sunday, and it's about time for some chocolate. Steve enjoyed his Malteasers branded egg and and Jen gnawed at the gold bunny.
Some strange white stuff started falling again - but this time it was heavier. Check out our kitchen sill / window ledge.
Mon 24 Mar 2008
We arrived at Edith and Nick's place at 11am for an Easter get together. And guess what? It snowed for the 20 minute drive to get there. So that's 3 days in a row of snow in London at the onset of Spring. Weird! There were about 7 guests at the party. In between chats and laughs we watched "tank girl" and "Amadeus". Two very different movies, but good fun all the same. Headed home about 7pm.
Tue 25 Mar 2008
Back to work. Jen has her Annual Review at work today.
In the evening Edith comes around and with Jen they do a couple of hours of madrigal singing practice.
Wed 26 Mar 2008
Not very exciting to report, but a huge relief to finally get a telephone point installed upstairs (for internet). This means not having to run the 10 metre cable where it gets tripped on both upstairs and downstairs. Hurrah!
Thu 27 Mar 2008
We're both working really hard and very tired.
Fri 28 Mar 2008
Jen is informed her work Review went really well and she gets a tidy pay rise.
:-) This evening we pack, and drive up to stay at Deb and Clancy's.
Sat 29 Mar 2008
Off to the Abingtons (south of Cambridge) all four of us, to attend an SCA event called Bootcamp. Loads of combative fun for Steve and many others. There were 17 fighters in armour on the field.
While Steve fought, Jen did some videoing. (and my goodness it was very cold and windy) In the evening a projector was set up and the day's combat replayed. All in all the event was friendly and relaxed, with a happy buzzing atmosphere.
Sun 30 Mar 2008
Spent the day with Deb n Clancy, including a fact-finding tour of food prices at one of the local American airbases. It was also nice to just hang out with friends.