Jan 2008 b
Tue 15 Jan 2008
Drakey left us today to go to Heathrow and onward to Oz.
Sat 19 Jan 2008
Spent the day and overnight at Vitus' place, which is very near Hampton Court Palace. The local tourney today was in Vitus' local park. There were 7 fighters. The evening involved a pot luck dinner finished by Vitus and Alaric (Steve) drinking lots together and talking about SCA combat etc until about 4am.
Sun 20 Jan 2008
The alarm got us up at 6:30am - Steve was a bit tired for some reason.
Drove to Heathrow (20 minutes) from Vitus' place and picked up Jen's sister Kathy, who's here for a week of work on our side of town, at the Dartford crossing. Drove Kathy to our home, hung out for awhile, then dropped her off at the Hilton, Dartford.
Mon 21 Jan 2008
A week of work goes by....
Fri 25 Jan 2008
Pick up Kathy from her hotel.
Sat 26 Jan 2008
Australia Day! We're all a bit bah-humbug about it considering its waaaay too cold for a BBQ. On our way to town we saw these energetic young things:
Steve had to work this morning, but Kathy and I caught up with him after we explored the Museum of London and inside St Paul's Cathedral. My my, it sure is a glittering jewel of a cathedral! Jen got a little glassy-eyed seeing the grandeur of the carving / homage paid to great heroes, in the Crypt.
We met up with Steve at Nelson's Column (Trafalgar Square). Here we added Duncan and Helen to our tourist party. They're visiting from Edinburgh, although originally we know them from (SCA) New Zealand.

Sun 27 Jan 2008
Decide to have a relaxing day inside a home. Steve cooks a yummy dinner of roast beef and roast potatoes & veg with wine. A 'traditional' family dinner, but made all the more special because Jen's sister is here to enjoy it too.
Mon 28 Jan 2008
Work work work...
Jen spends the next couple of evenings finishing off the "end of reign report" to pass along to Sven and Jovi.
Tue 29 Jan 2008
In the morning we both say our farewells to Kathy and head off to work. In the afternoon, she made her own way across town on the Tube, back to Heathrow and on to Australia.
Fri 01 Feb 2008
Skye arrives and stays with us, she's also known as Viscountess Lucrezia Lorenz. She's been living in Morocco for the past couple of months, and has been touring around the UK meeting up with relatives.
Sat 02 Feb 2008
Steve drops off the car at the garage. Not sure when we get out fab car back, but its better to get everything fixed at a convenient time, and before it breaks.
We basically spend much of this weekend indoors relaxing and staying nice and warm... and chatting very amiably with Skye.
Sun 03 Feb 2008
Skye leaves and returns to Morocco.