Jul 2007 b
Tue 17 July 2007
Learned that our best offer on the 4 bedroom "renovator's delight" was not high enough for their liking. This was a "put in your highest offer" sealed-envelope sort of deal. Yes our offer was well below the asking price, since, if we got the house, we would want it to be a bargain (considering the work involved). It was worth a try.
Wed 18 July 2007
Found out today that our offers on the other two houses were turned down. This is standard here in London, since they want to eek out a bit more! So we raised the offer only on the nicely renovated house.
Thu 19 July 2007
Our offer has been accepted - yahoo!
It turns out that Steve's manager's best friend lives in the same street and its a very nice area. Even better. We've also since discovered this chap has not seen any flooding in that street, for the past 15 years. Anyway, here are a couple more shots of the place....
Above: best of both worlds - gas stove top and electric oven.
Below: the back yard is all decked, and there's a Jen-height storage shed too.
Sat 21 July 2007
International Harry Potter day arrives!
Jen strolled into the local Woolies at 5 past 8 in the morning, picked up the latest Harry Potter book off the shelf, bought it without queueing, and was told she's the first to buy it. Also noticed there was one lady waiting - because she'd pre-ordered it. Ironic, how she'd've been better off if she had not.
At about 2pm we went to Jenny and Nick's to socialize and to help out with some SCA sewing/patterning. Enjoyed a lovely dinner with them too.
Sun 22 July 2007
Steve spends much of the day playing on-line computer games.
7pm - Jen finishes reading the book. Steve starts reading it.....
Wed 25 July 2007
Jen gets paid again. Still prefer getting paid weekly, oh well.
Can't believe it - after 8 weeks, a parcel finally arrives. Have a low opinion of Royal Mail!
Thu 26 July 2007
Deal with more mortgage application stuff.
The mortgage brokers tells us its progressing "swimmingly".
Fri 27 July 2007
Clancy arrives, having spent some time in London today, and together we drop him off home (north of Cambridge) and stay overnight. Below: leaving Stratford.
Sat 28 July 2007
Above: Steve attended fighter practise in Newmarket (East of Cambridge).
Then we headed back to Deb and Clancy's place but left shortly before the shire meeting there.
Below: Deb n Clancy's back yard, with fellow SCA friends.
Sun 29 July 2007
Forgot to take photos today sorry - had such a wonderful time at our own "house-cooling" party!
It was also a great chance for Will and Cindy to meet the local SCA and hang out. During the party though, Dan tells us that Elizabeth's beautiful cat has died, aged 16 years. Very sad.
Tue 31 July 2007
Visit rental estate agents to pay our final Rent. We also looked into our finances... looks like we'll be able to pay all our fees, stamp duty etc without touching any credit cards, and still be able to afford food too! This is a very good thing. :-)
Wed 1 Aug 2007
Late this afternoon we discover that the house we are buying has been taken off the market for us. Hurrah! We suppose that means its now sold subject to contract. If we're really really lucky we might even be able to move in to our new place the day before moving out of here - but we're not holding our breath......
BTW, our next posting is likely to have loads of great photos.
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